American Eskimo Dog

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American Eskimo Dog
  • Height: 15-19 inches (standard)

  • Weight: 25-35 pounds (standard)

  • Size:

  • Coat:

  • Lifespan: 15 years

High-spirited, and playful dog with a harsh rough white-colored coat. The ears prick up and the nose is black. The America Eskimo Dog loves companionship and games, and is generally considered to be a happy, outgoing dog that enjoys activity.

A member of the Spitz family, the American Eskimo Dog got its name because of its resemblance to the Eskimo Dog species. It originated in an extremely rigorous climate, so today's Eskies are naturally vigorous and long lived.

Fun things to do:
Since this breed responds well to training, obedience type activities may actually be enjoyable. American Eskimo Dogs enjoy being outdoors and spending time with family members.

What we like about this breed:
American Eskimo Dogs are surprisingly easy to train. In addition, they have excellent health records and a desire to be with people and be a part of its human family.

Health Risks:
Overall this breed has excellent health. The occurrence of hip dysplasia is rare and other diseases or defects are not prominent in the Eskie. As with all breeds, this varies from animal to animal, and it should not be assumed that all dogs will be free from health defects.

Things to watch out for with this breed:
This breed is known for its noisiness. They can become nuisance barkers if their vocalization is not curbed. Some American Eskimo Dogs are mistrustful of strangers, so it is important to socialize them in early puppyhood. In addition, because of their white coats, they can become dirty easily. Keep this in mind if you prefer a clean looking animal.

This breed is affectionately nicknamed "Eskie", and comes in three sizes: toy, miniature and standard.

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