Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog

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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog
  • Height: 12-13 inches

  • Weight: 13-18 pounds

  • Size:

  • Coat:

  • Lifespan:

A small dog with a soft silky coat. They come in four color combinations: Blenheim, Tricolor, Ruby and Black and Tan. The ears hang down. They get along well with strangers and other animals.
Originally bred in England to warm the laps in drafty castles and on chilly carriage rides. They were also used to attract fleas and thereby protect their owners from the "Plague". Today it is one of the five most popular breeds in England. They are strictly companion dogs.

Fun things to do:
Cavaliers love to cuddle in the laps of their owners.

What we like about this breed:
They have a calming effect on many people. They are excellent with children and enjoy playing with them. In addition, these dogs are extremely beneficial for senior citizens or those experiencing "empty nest syndrome". Cavaliers also travel well. For the most part they are healthy and naturally clean dogs.

Health Risks:
Generally healthy breed, but can experience the following problems: heart murmurs, cataracts, Subluxating Patellas and MVD.

Things to watch out for with this breed:
Because of its long-haired coat, this breed requires regular grooming. Also, this is a very friendly breed and does not make a good guard dog. They think of strangers as friends they've yet to meet.
Very susceptible to Mitral Valve Disease, up to 50% of the dogs bred in North America may be affected. Be sure to thoroughly question the breeder about their MVD protection plans.

Seems to be the dog of choice for the rich and famous.

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